
Showing posts from March, 2015

Builders at Work

These students are working on the tasks for the TTT toy company. Fun at work! Deep in thought! Sharing and  team work. Just having fun!

March Madness

Hello, It seems like March has snuck past without even stopping to say hello! We have had a busy month skiing, watching guest presentations and learning.  We enjoyed 2 great days at Rabbit Hill - the second was by far the greater day.  Many students were able to use the skills they had learned the first day to progress to the next level of hill.  Nicely done! March 5 we hosted a Cake Walk and Family Dance.  The cake walk raised $900 for the grade 4 trip to Drumheller! Thanks to all who donated a cake for this event. We watched 6 short puppet plays based on the Robert Munsch stories.  The puppeteers were very skilled, and the students were enthralled! On March 18, the grade 4 students in both classes made pemmican as the First Nations people did many years ago.  We used a modern recipe which used rabbit meat (gummy rabbits), berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries) and a dollop of Cool Whip as our tallow.  Most of the students enjoyed the treat, but so

March Beginnings...

Hello, We have had a great start to March this week...skiing was excellent! Many of the students have mentioned that they loved the day which was encouraging to hear.  We will be going again on March 17 - weather permitting. In LA we have been working on grammar, lit. circles and writing with a specific purpose. We are nearing the end of our lit. circles, with hopes to complete them by the middle of March. We hope to be tackling poetry in April. Social has been interesting with our discovering how different Aboriginal groups met their needs in the different regions of Alberta as well as how they passed along their traditions.  We are working on a Buffalo robe project which has the students telling the story by using symbols rather than word. In science, we have wrapped up our simple machines unit and have begun applying our knowledge to complete the tasks in our Building Devices Challenge for the TTT Company.  Ask your student about this unique learning challenge. In math, we