
Showing posts from February, 2015

February 9 - 20, 2015

Hello, all, It seems as though this month is slipping past at an alarming rate.  We have been very busy with extra activities in addition to our core courses. As the month began, teachers attended the ATA sponsored Teachers' Convention in Edmonton.  There were many great sessions as well as a lot of networking and catching up with colleagues I have not seen in a long while.  It is always great to see people in the same profession to find out new trends, catch up on past students progress, and learn from their experiences. On Monday, the grade 4 classes had to deal with another disappointing ski trip postponement - which will soon be turned to excitement as we are ski hill bound on March 2 and 27. Hopefully the weather cooperates and it is nice and warm but still enough snow to ski and snowboard. On Tuesday we were lucky to go to Riverview Middle School for our first transition activity - a pancake breakfast (including bacon!), a tour of the school, and some fun activities i

Weekly Update and Other News

Hello,  So the title is a little off as I realize it has been a bit longer than a week since I last posted.  My intentions are good... By now you should have been able to review your child's report card.  Hopefully you are pleased with the progress h/she is making.  If not, please feel free to approach me to have a discussion about what we can do to help him/her be more successful. As you are now aware, our ski trip which had been planned for today has been postponed until next Monday, February 9.  There is a new permission form which requires filling out due to the date change, but all funds paid for today's trip will be used for next week's trip so there is not an added cost. As I write this, the wind chill according to Environment Canada is -20. Next week, the forecast is for -1, much nicer for sure! There is a second ski trip scheduled for March 2, 2015.  Please be sure to fill out the permission forms for this trip as well. As our grade 4 year progresses, the