
Showing posts from November, 2015

Student of the Week Post #1: November 23 - 27

Hello! Welcome to the weekly blog of 4C! Today (Monday) we had a great social studies discussion about some of the challenges that the Oilsands face.  We also discussed some possible solutions to these challenges. In Science, we discovered what happens to objects when they are covered with different colours of acetate. We began working with Mrs. Fleming in LA.  It was great! We also continued reading our new library books in the hope of accomplishing the 40 book challenge. Some of us have read many books while some have only read a few - but we are all reading! Keep reading and don't forget to write it down in your Reader's Journal to refer to when you conference with Mrs. Spreen. In math, we continued working through parts of sets and solving word problems using addition and subtraction. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday's notes: In math we are continuing to work on large number addition and subtraction.We are working with numbers up to the hundred thousands

Quick Post

Hello, all! By now you will have realized that I am among the world's worst bloggers.  I apologize for this; however, I am about to try something new that will hopefully help to keep this blog a bit more current. Starting later today, the student who has received the "Student of the Week" (SofW) award for this week (and the weeks to come) will also have as her/her privilege, the 'write' to post the weekly blog.  The SofW will be writing a daily update, but we will only publish it on Friday - after I have had a chance to help with the editing. As always, we will continue to write in our daily agendas - although some may think it is archaic, I believe it is still a good practice to have.  If you have been checking this blog for current information about the curricular material we have been covering, I hope you have also been checking your student's agenda as this is where we have been staying current.  Just a friendly reminder to also be signing your stude