
We are about to embark upon a new school year, and I am very excited to meet my new students. I hope all of you will get a lot of sleep tonight - I am not sure I will!

Some parents have enquired about the supplies.  We will be labelling parent provided (either through the Start Right packages or from home) materials tomorrow during class time - anything we do not finish may be sent home to be finished.  We will be pooling school supplied materials and these will not (usually) be labelled for individual use.

The school's doors will be opened for student arrival at 8:20.  I will be in the classroom waiting for the students, and they are welcomed to bring any supplies with the to the class.  Parents are welcome to come with their child to see the room, take a few photos - if they wish - and then depart so that we may begin our journey.  It is a full day of school, so be sure to pack a snack as well as a lunch.  

We will be following our regular recess and lunch break schedule, so be prepared to go outside even if the weather isn't super nice.  Our entrance will be the blue doors on the northwest of the school (not the main doors, the ones on the jut out).

The school day ends at 3:06, but we may not be outside exactly at that time because we will have to pack up and get on our outside shoes.  Please be patient as you wait for us - we will be as quick as we can.

Our main communication tool will be the agenda which we write in daily.  Please be sure to read and sign it each day so that you are informed about upcoming events as well as what has transpired during the day and any homework that may be coming due.

My email address and the school phone number are in the welcome letter (email) which was sent out, but it will also be written into your child's agenda.  Please feel free to use these methods of communication as well.

Looking forward to a great year...


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