The First 12 Days

September's First Half...
What a whirl wind September has been!  We had the magician on the afternoon of the first day, and it seems like that was eons ago.  We have been working very hard establishing our new community relationships as well as remembering the rules and procedures for the class and school.  We have also been very busy with our school work!  We had our first formal test of the year today - thank goodness that is done!

In Language Arts, we were working on establishing the definitions of the different genres in order to proceed with the 40 book challenge.  We have now officially begun the challenge!  Please encourage your student to read as many books from the different genres as possible to develop an appreciation for the differences in literature.

We have also been tackling cursive writing.  Most students have been exposed to this in previous years, but we will continue to master our penmanship.  Practice is always good, so feel free to encourage your student to use handwriting whenever he or she corresponds on paper. 

We have begun writing a story using the mentor text "The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups".  The students truly enjoyed the original version and are having fun - and being challenged by - coming up with the other secrets.  

Math has been a lot of fun - not a normal phrase for math - as we began our year with a confidence building unit on fractions, and have moved into patterns.  We are progressing nicely through this unit, and the students are completing tasks well and with few challenges.  We will be continuing this topic for a while, so be sure to ask your student about the day's challenge.

In Science, we are working on the topic of Waste & Our World.  We have officially defined garbage - what it is or isn't - as well as: pre- and post- consumer wastes; durable,non-durable and disposable goods.  We have discussed what raw materials are and where the sources may be.  This has lead to the project of establishing a flow chart of the product and its packaging from sources through to disposal.  We will be continuing to work on this flow chart with Mr. Maltais next week when he comes in to assist us with using technology to complete the final edition of these projects.

Social has been focused on mapping skill, locating Alberta in Canada, and the provinces and Territories of Canada.  We will begin working on the natural regions of Alberta very shortly.  This will take us until well past Halloween to thoroughly learn and share our knowledge.  There will be a few projects which the students will be undertaking to demonstrate their knowledge, please watch for further information as these projects are undertaken.

We have completed an few art projects - one for National Dot Day (September 15 -ish) and one about the student's favourite part of their body.  It is a very cool display!  

Tomorrow we will be experiencing a Musical Ride and have a few soldiers in our classrooms to talk to us about this experience.  We are so excited to have this experience!  I will try to take pictures for a future blog post, but may be too involved to remember! 

Friday is our first out-of-school fieldtrip to the City Slickers program sponsored by many different agencies to promote appreciation of and knowledge about the agriculture industry.  We are starting our day at the Jesperson farm (a true, working farm!) near Spruce Grove and then going to the pavilion at Heritage Park in Stony Plain.  It promises to be an exciting adventure filled with a lot of dirt and fun.  Please be sure your student is dressed for the outing and has a bagged lunch and a water bottle.

If you would like to accompany us on our fieldtrip this week, please email me and let me know.  Thanks.

We will be requiring supervisors for every fieldtrip we take away from the school.  Please refer to the Parents' Handbook to determine which you would be able to help with and let me know.  If we do not have enough adult supervisors, we are at risk of not being able to take all of our planned trips.

As always, if you have any concerns, questions or comment, please contact me through email or call me at the school.  

Have a fabulous evening!


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