April 13


We have been diligently working on our building devices unit.  We are going to be wrapping it up by Friday of this week.  Some students are still requiring more supplies to complete their projects, so please ask your child if he/she needs supplies and what he/she may require.  Thanks.  There will not be a final assessment for this unit as the students have been assessed as they have been working on and completing each building task.

Tomorrow we will be going to the Edmonton Waste Management Centre.  This field trip encompasses many curricular outcomes and reinforces past learning which was attained n our Waste and Our World unit.  It is an awesome trip!

Our next unit in Science will be PLANTS and we will be beginning this on Monday.

We are honouring the fact that April is poetry month by studying about poems in our LA. We have learned about and written Haiku, Diamante and limericks so far.  We will be writing many more poems, and learning more about rhyming schemes, rhythm and different types of poems as the month continues.  We will be learning about some fun types of poetry such as the terse verse.  An example of this is:  What do you call a rabbit's seat?  A hare's chair. Look for more of these as your child becomes more familiar with them in the next few days.

In math, we have begun our measurement unit.  This unit encompasses such topics as metric notation (for date writing), telling time on an analog clock and a 24 hour clock, area and perimeter.  We will be trying to wrap up this unit by the end of April.

In Social, we have been continuing our discovery of what makes Alberta unique and how the different groups of people helped to make Alberta what it is today.  We have decided that the most challenging factors facing the settlers were: land claims, a safe source of water, shelter, safety from wildlife as well as other dangers, health/dental care, weather challenges, transportation and securing a steady, reliable source for supplies.  What does your child feel was the most difficult challenge?

As we enter into the last few months of school, please encourage your child to continue to work hard.  We have a lot of learning to do in the next 51 days!

A few things to remember:

  • EWMC fieldtrip tomorrow morning. We should be back at the school by lunch time.
  • Book Club order forms were sent home today - please return any orders by April 23.
  • FUNDSCRIP forms were sent home last Friday - please return them ASAP.
  • April 23 is CRAZY CRAZY day - more details to come
  • No school April 24
  • May 7 and 8 is our trip to Drumheller.  If you have no yet completed the permission form, please do so at your earliest convenience.  All people wanting to come along as chaperones must have their paperwork into the school before being approved as a chaperone - get yours in soon, please.
  • Please contact me at the school (780-987-3705) or by email or in person at the school if you have any comments, questions or concerns.
Have a great week!


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